(857) 299-7240 contact@hcgassoc.com
Tier II filing is due by March 1, 2025. Remember to check for state-specific updates before filing.

February 2021 Newsletter

Virtual Reality: The Future of Safety Training

Virtual reality and augmented reality training platforms can change the way employees learn and perform on the job. This immersive training experience places the trainee in a 360-degree 3D simulated environment that can be accessed with or without VR goggles. Some platforms even allow trainees to access those same simulations on a phone or remotely through a laptop.

There is a required practical training component to courses such as confined space, fall protection, and emergency response. Implementing this element can be difficult, which is why HCG will offer a new training model that is simulation-based and gives the employees the practical experience they need to perform high-hazard tasks safely. 

Contact HCG Associates for customized compliance solutions for your training program needs. HCG is leading the industry in state-of-the-art training programs. Look for upcoming announcements as we unveil a host of new platforms designed to increase employee engagement and retention.


Global NSC Safety Congress and Expo
March 1-5, 2021

Virtual event with Professional Development Seminars, Keynotes, and Technical Sessions.
Register Here

EHS Now: Virtual Summit
March 24-25. 2021

Free virtual event to build skills in metrics, training, recordkeeping, and more.

Navigating the New Requirements

IIAR-6 establishes the minimum requirements for inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM) applicable to closed-circuit ammonia refrigeration systems. 

Chapters 6 through 15 of IIAR-6 contain tables outlining “ITM Task Descriptions” and their suggested “Frequencies.”  Frequencies vary from “D” (Daily) to “10” (Ten years), which for the most part, are self-explanatory.

To better address the listed “ITM Task Descriptions,” they can be lumped into three (3) distinct categories:

  1. Daily Logs
  2. PMs
  3. Ammonia Refrigeration Safety Inspection Checklist (Formerly IIAR 109).

To illustrate, look at TABLE 6.1 (Compressor, Testing, and Maintenance Tasks). The table is separated into three (3) parts – Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance.  The first column is dedicated to “Screw” compressors, columns 2 and 3 are dedicated to “Reciprocating” and “Rotary Vane” compressors, respectively.  For “Screw” compressors rows, “a” through “i” (Inspection) indicate daily requirements to inspect things like Runtime hours, Suction Pressure, and Oil Temperature. Indeed, the best vehicle to check (record) this with would be an updated Daily Log. 

For “Screw” compressors, row “d” and “e” (Testing) indicates an “A” (Annual) requirement to test the “Low oil pressure cutout” and the “High liquid level cutout.”  These could be combined on a single developed PM to be done by Refrigeration Technicians or a qualified Contractor.

Items “r” and “s” under the “Inspection” section ask if the “Foundation is solid, in place, and free from evidence of deterioration” and “Visually inspect mounting bolts are in place,” respectively.  Neither of these items is included in the required Annual “Ammonia Refrigeration Safety Inspection Checklist” but could certainly be done simultaneously.  All required ITM items can be lumped into the three categories listed above, included on Daily Log, in a developed PM, or done congruently with the Annual “Ammonia Refrigeration Inspection Checklist.”

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