(857) 299-7240 contact@hcgassoc.com
Tier II filing is due by March 1, 2025. Remember to check for state-specific updates before filing.

June 2021 Newsletter

National Forklift Safety Day (June 13th)

In July of 2020, an employee of a long-haul trucking company was operating a forklift up a ramp when one of the rear tires fell off the forklift, ejecting the employee from the vehicle as it tipped off the ramp. The frame of the forklift cage pinned and crushed the employee, who was killed instantly. One of the company’s most seasoned and talented workers never returned home to his family that day; never got to enjoy the fruits of his lifetime of labor, and never finished the sandwich still sitting on his desk because he spent his work years thinking “this could never happen to me”. 

A reduction in incidents without putting in the work is pure luck. And eventually, that luck runs out. There are no shortcuts to a successful safety program, let alone a reduction in employee injuries, but there is an effective process that will get your company in compliance more efficiently and urgently than others.
Reach out to us at HCG to hear about the safety program management services we provide.

Three Biggest Challenges in Meeting OSHA PIT Regulations

  • Consistent completion of daily/pre-shift inspections
  • Maintaining a consistent training program to authorize company employees
  • Lack of investigation/follow-ups for near misses and incidents

If the first step you take following a forklift incident is the send the operator back for refresher training, it may be time to overhaul your program. Avoid the broken cycle. Call HCG for innovative solutions to your forklift training and safety needs.

Come visit our booth at these upcoming events

OSHA VPPPA Safety + Symposium
August 31 – September 2, 2021
Nashville, Tennessee

10 workshop blocks with the choice of over 60 quality topics, each presented by top EHS professionals, federal and state OSHA representatives, and fellow VPP participants, as well as an exhibit hall full of tried and trusted vendors
NSC Safety Congress and Expo
October 8-14, 2021
Orlando, Florida

Thousands of professionals and exhibiting companies from around the world Explore the latest safety innovations and solutions driving our industry to save lives, from the workplace to anyplace

EPA Moves Forward with the Phase-Down of Hydrofluorocarbons

On May 19, 2021, the EPA’s proposed rule was published in the Federal Register. This proposed rule is the first regulation under The American Innovation and Manufacturing Act (AIM) to address Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which are potent greenhouse gases commonly used in refrigerators, air conditioners, and other applications including industrial refrigeration.
This proposed rule would set the HFC production and consumption baselines levels from which reductions will be made, establish an initial methodology for allocating and trading HFC allowances for 2022 and 2023, and create robust, agile, and innovative compliance and enforcement system.
The AIM Act directs EPA to sharply reduce the production and consumption of these harmful pollutants by using an allowance allocation and trading program. This phasedown will decrease the production and import of HFCs in the United States by 85% over the next 15 years.

HCG Associates can assist in the development and management of HFC Programs to be compliant with the ever-changing regulations.

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