(857) 299-7240 contact@hcgassoc.com
Tier II filing is due by March 1, 2025. Remember to check for state-specific updates before filing.


At HCG Associates, we offer a range of technical services
to ensure the safety and integrity of ammonia systems

HCG in the Field

At HCG Associates, we offer a range of technical services to ensure the safety and integrity of ammonia systems.

Our services include:

  • Mechanical Integrity 5-Year Inspection
  • Annual IIAR 6 Inspection
  • Decommissioning
  • IIAR 9 Gap Analysis
  • Non-Destructive Testing

Our team of experts is dedicated to providing reliable inspection services to maintain compliance, minimize risk, and ensure the smooth operation of your ammonia system.

Mechanical Integrity Inspection (MI) manages critical process equipment to ensure it is correctly designed, installed, operated, and maintained.

Annual Inspections, for those instances when a facility does not have a qualified inspector, someone not influenced by the facility’s record keeping, operations, maintenance, or management, HCG provides annual inspections performed under the IIAR 6 standard, our inspections are thorough and unbiased, ensuring the safety and integrity of your system.


HCG Associates

Massachusetts | Virginia | Wisconsin | Texas

(857) 299-7240

Our Industry Affiliations
